Lin McJunkin
September 2024
Tidal Power, 72" x 36" x 18" glass, wood, metal, led lighting, $12500. Base by Milo White
Tidal Power (detail)
Tidal Power (detail)
Past Works
Precarity, 14" diameter Fused Glass and metal stand. $450
With Eyes That Cannot Close, 15 x 11 x ¼” Fused glass, metal stand. $350
"Feminisms, 20" x 17" Fused Glass and metal stand. $650
Hope and Other Hazards, 20" x 17" Fused Glass and metal stand. $750
Mending Our Ways, 12" diameter Fused Glass and metal stand. $195. SOLD
Melt Water, 20" x 17" Fused Glass and metal stand. $950. SOLD
Nature Still Rules, 17” diameter, Fused glass, metal stand, $550
Same Storm, Different Boats, 20" x 17" Fused Glass and metal stand. $650
“With Broken Hearts, We Persevere” – group: pate de verre glass, feathers, wire, thread. Various sizes (6” – 14” long). Variable prices: $250 - $550.
“With Broken Hearts, We Persevere” – two samples (Black and Red) : pate de verre glass, feathers, wire, thread. Various sizes (6” – 14” long). Variable prices: $250 - $550
“Season of Sickness and Shouting” – front: fused cluster glass, metal stand.17” w x 21” h x 3” d. $650. SOLD
“Season of Sickness and Shouting” – reverse: fused cluster glass, metal stand.17” w x 21” h x 3” d. $650 SOLD
“Enlarging Your Circle of Compassion” – front: pate de verre glass, steel base (by Milo White). 70” x 20” x 20”. $2,500
“Enlarging Your Circle of Compassion” – side: pate de verre glass, steel base (by Milo White). 70” x 20” x 20”. $2,500
“Enlarging Your Circle of Compassion” – edge detail: pate de verre glass, steel base (by Milo White). 70” x 20” x 20”. $2,500
“Season of Healing and Help” – front: fused cluster glass, metal stand. 17” w x 21” h x 3” d. $650
“Season of Healing and Help” – reverse: fused cluster glass, metal stand. 17” w x 21” h x 3” d. $650